"The school wants the best for all pupils. New leaders have reinvigorated the school. They have provided ambition, direction and stability after a significant period of turbulence....the school is working with determination to strengthen the quality of education. This has already resulted in improved provision, particularly in English and mathematics.

Pupils at this school are polite, well mannered and greet staff and visitors with a smile. They have a positive attitude to their learning. The pupils and staff demonstrate the school’s values of being kind, curious, respectful, helpful, resilient and adventurous. Pupils feel safe. They trust staff to help them with any friendship issues that they might have.''

(Ofsted Report Lyndon Green Infant School, April 2024)



Ungraded Inspection 23rd and 24th April 2024 - Ofsted report and   Letter from our Chair of Governors

Short inspection 6th November 2018. HMI letter

 Lyndon Green Infant School was inspected on 7th and 8th October 2014. Please click here to view the report.

Lyndon Green Infant School was also inspected by Ofsted in December 2009. They were here for two days and examined all aspects of teaching and learning at Lyndon Green Infant School. This is their report..... Ofsted

 Parent View on Ofsted website: please click here