Hello and welcome to our website. My name is Siobhan Moran and I am very proud to be the Headteacher here at Lyndon Green Infant School.
Here at LGIS, we love that our school is often recognised as having a warm and welcoming feel and that our environment is one of happiness and success for our children. We have a highly committed, hardworking staff team who all know the pupils well and constantly strive to achieve the best for them on an academic and pastoral level.
I believe we put the children at the heart of everything we do and aim to work closely with parents to give the children the best start to their education they can possibly have. By having the children at the heart of every decision we make, it helps
set our moral compass, setting our ethos and values for the best outcomes for our many pupils. Our children love coming to school and can't wait to learn.
As a Mom myself, I know when you are choosing a school for your child it is an enormous decision. As a parent, you have to consider the academic outcomes but also feel you trust the staff team and know a school wants to work in partnership with you. Please take time to look at our website but also to visit and meet us prior to making an application.
We look forward to meeting you
Best wishes
Siobhan Moran