
Extra Curricular


Our pupil's personal development is very important to us.  We strive to ensure the children have access to a wide range of activities, clubs and events.


Educational Visits

Reception - Visit the Think Tank as part of the Marvellous Machines Topic

Year 1 - Visit West Midlands Safari park as part of the Paws and Claws Topic

Year 2 - Visit Weston Super Mare as part of our At the Seaside Topic


We also ensure the children visit three places of worship;

Reception - Yardley Baptist Church

Y1 - Local mosque

Y2 - Guru Nanak Gurdwara


Every three years we also take the whole school to the MAC in Birmingham for a theatre trip at Christmas to experience live theatre,


After School Clubs

We offer a range of opportunities through the year such as; football, singing, crafting, drama, hockey and a range of sports opportunities with SparkActive.



We have a range of visitors such as: nurses, police, firefighters and Life Education bus workshops.  We also offer Rock Steady music lessons so that children can learn guitar, drums or the keyboard.

