Our Core Values
Be kind Be respectful Be resilient
Be curious Be helpful Be adventurous
Our parents, pupils, staff and governors have agreed that these values represent 'The Lyndon Green Infant' child. These underpin our beliefs as a school and are essential in establishing a strong whole school ethos with all uniting to promote positive behaviour and attitudes, whilst supporting the ongoing personal development of our children. Our values runs throughout everything we do in school and are implemented across the school through our curriculum delivery, assemblies, communication as well as in our behaviour policy.
Our School Aims
Our school aims to achieve success for all by:
- Providing a child centered, inclusive curriculum that supports independent, creative learning
- Developing confident, caring, healthy and happy citizens capable of contributing to 21st century society.
- Creating a stimulating environment which promotes positive attitudes and where learning is FUN!
1. Providing a child centered, inclusive curriculum that supports independent, creative learning.
- To work competently and confidently and make good progress in all areas of the basic skills.
- To develop oracy skills in order to communicate confidently and effectively with clarity and understanding.
- To gain confidence and competence in the use of Information and Communication Technology to enhance and extend learning.
- To provide opportunities for children to think creatively, enabling them to solve problems and apply their findings to real life situations.
- To grow as independent learners, providing opportunities for children to research and investigate subjects which are meaningful to them.
- To provide opportunities for well scaffolded child initiated learning enabling children to build on skills already acquired.
- Celebrate the work of all learners whatever their ability, working together towards success.
2. Developing confident, caring, healthy and happy citizens capable
of contributing to 21st century society.
- Providing a safe and secure environment in which we can all grow as individuals.
- Developing an awareness of self and others.
- Developing respect for others, particularly in relation to culture, religion, gender and age.
- To acquire a set of moral values on which to base their personal behaviour.
- Gaining an appreciation of their own and other environments.
- Encouraging and developing a healthy lifestyle.
- Participation in healthy activities both in and out of school.
- To feel self confident and happy, having a sense of achievement.
- Including families and our local community to take an active part in school life.
3. Creating a stimulating environment which promotes positive attitudes and where learning is FUN!
- To develop positive attitudes to learning, fostering each individual child’s learning needs.
- A realisation that we are all on a learning journey; that learning is lifelong and inclusive.
- Providing opportunities within our curriculum and beyond for children to enjoy and achieve in their learning.
- To maintain a learning environment which is visually stimulating, developing an appreciation of aesthetics and further enhancing learning.
- Establishing and upholding positive relationships with others, building emotionally literate human beings.
- To appreciate that both success and failure provide opportunities to learn.
- To appreciate that learning is a shared activity.
- Provide opportunities for everyone to smile, laugh and have fun.