Blog from our Chair of Governors

My name is Louisa Sparke and I have the great pleasure of holding the position of Chair of Governors . To be chair of governors at a school such as ours is a great honour, it is always a joy to come in and see so many happy, smiling faces. We strive to ensure all our pupils receive the best possible educational experience possible, to learn in a safe and secure atmosphere where fun and happiness is at the heart of everything we do.

There are many people who work towards making our school such a special place for our children. We are lucky to have fantastic teaching staff, dedicated and committed to each child, their outstanding commitment is second to none. They are supported by highly skilled, caring teaching assistants and support staff. Our lunchtime supervisors have worked hard to make lunch times fun, introducing more games and activities for the children and our senior leadership remains focused on leading by example. They have challenged, questioned and helped drive us forward.

This brief blog gives you an insight into school life. If you have any queries, you can contact myself or any other member of the governing body via the school office.